The Regional Bike and Pedestrian Plan will provide a comprehensive inventory and plan for the region’s bicycle and pedestrian programs and infrastructure; and will serve as a companion to the Southeastern Connecticut Metropolitan Transportation Plan. The Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan will also complement local planning efforts and the planning effort recently completed at the CT Department of Transportation (CTDOT). This Plan will ensure that all of the municipalities in the SCCOG region have a basic level of bicycle and pedestrian planning and that each town’s contribution to the network is identified and leveraged in the future.
The Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments (SCCOG) represents twenty-two towns, cities, and boroughs, provides a basis for intergovernmental cooperation in dealing with a wide range of issues. Non-voting affiliates from Mashantucket-Pequot and Mohegan Tribal Nations as well as representatives from the Naval Submarine Base and United States Coast Guard participate in regional planning and coordination. Transportation is a visible way that our towns and affiliates are connected and the SCCOG encourages your input in this plan for non-motorized transportation.
The Southeastern Connecticut Council of Government’s (SCCOG) Regional Bike and Pedestrian Plan – called BikeWalk SECT – provides a comprehensive inventory and plan for the region’s bicycle and pedestrian programs and infrastructure. It serves as a companion to the Southeastern Connecticut Metropolitan Transportation Plan, which outlines transportation improvements for the region over the next 40 years. While state planning efforts are underway to present a statewide “Active Transportation Plan,” these efforts do not address improving bike and pedestrian connections at the regional level, between and within towns and the relationship of Southeastern Connecticut’s system to our regional economic drivers. They also don’t address the disparities between our various user groups or transit system wide ADA accommodations. This Regional Bike and Pedestrian Plan is an effort to ensure that all of the municipalities in the SCCOG region have a basic level of bike and pedestrian planning and that each town’s contribution to the network is identified and leveraged in the future.
Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments Regional Bike and Pedestrian Work Plan
Outlined below are the project’s goals and objectives:
- Goal 1: Engage and energize constituents and member towns to enable both a state of good repair and the expansion of facilities for cyclists and pedestrians.
- Goal 2: Create a plan for improved livability, mobility, access, healthy opportunities and economic vitality
- Goal 3: Support the varied needs of constituents and towns
- Goal 4: Provide constituents and visitors with information that will enable them to best use the system
- Goal 5: Grow the capacity of the SCCOG to provide technical support and metrics to its constituent towns
Below is the Recommendations Map which summarizes the Bike and Pedestrian facilities recommended in the plan. Click the map image to enlarge the map.
Regional Tourism Map
This map is intended to promote tourism in Southeastern Connecticut. Click map image to see full map with legend.
SCCOG is seeking input from a variety of stakeholders. We have met with local officials and staff, State agencies, regional advocacy groups, exercise clubs, bike shares, and interested businesses.
Regional Bike and Pedestrian Plan Draft Report Meeting at Groton Senior Center – October 10th
Norwich Tactical Engagement (Bicycle Facilities)– April 28-29th
Click to see Event Photos
Protected facilities, separated from motor vehicles with more than just stripes painted on asphalt, are the new normal for high-quality bikeways. Come see a demonstration of a two-way separated bicycle facility on Central Avenue in Norwich, April 28 and 29! We want your feedback, to help inform the future of bicycle transportation in Southeastern Connecticut, so be sure to check in with one of our volunteers or staff while you’re visiting.
Griswold Tactical Engagement (Placemaking)– May 4th
Click to see Event Photos
Alleys can be dark and scary – but they can also be inviting, fun, lively spaces, when designed properly. May 4 is the day of Griswold’s annual Night Light Parade, and we’ll be preparing through the day, dressing up Fanning Court (the alley between Uncle Kranky’s Cafe and Mandarin Garden) for the occasion with lighting, paint, and more! With a small monetary investment and a healthy injection of volunteer time, smarts, and muscle, almost any underutilized outdoor space can be transformed into an attractive, colorful, and welcoming place. Please come by that afternoon or evening to see what we’ve done!
Groton Tactical Engagement (Way Finding)– May 11-24th
Click to see Event Photos
Signs for biking and walking can do a lot more than point you in the right direction; a signage system can also provide distance to destination, time to destination, and even “brand” a bikeway or bike/walk network. We are piloting such a system on a route in Groton connecting the US Navy submarine base and the Gold Star Bridge between May 11 and 24, and we hope you’ll come to check it out! We want to know what you think of the route, the information on the signs, and the aesthetics of the signs too, so please check in with a volunteer or staffer if you see one set up beside the route. Your feedback will help inform decisions to be made in Groton and across Southeastern Connecticut!